No court date yet – did I say that already?

So, for a week, we’ve waiting for today…..the day when we would find out when  court would be scheduled,  with the hopes that it could be later this week – in time for my husband to make it home for our oldest daughter’s  big swim meet, and mostly to have a timeline.  Even after court, we have another two – three weeks of process  to go through.  So, to find out that the court is now back logged, and that it will be later this week before we find out when we will be scheduled, and possibly another few weeks before we even HAVE  court…..a big blow.  Don’t get me wrong – we’ve been having  an incredible experience here – we’ve made, what I believe, to be  life long friends with some missionaries here (the Peipons with Ukraine Medical Outreach), we’ve taken advantage of the sights (25 cents to ride the metro)  and  yummy foods (and loving that you  can you get coffee,  cold beer or ice cream at every street corner  kiosk for under a buck – life is good!),  my husband has found some  semi-English speaking locals to take him out biking, and, of course, we’ve been able to visit with our son almost every day, building bonds.   But, being here almost 3 weeks and not having an end in sight was hard to hear today.  So, I’ve been asking God to show me what purpose there might be to this.  I can’t say that I have an answer to that yet, and frankly, it might not have  have anything to do with me !  But,  please pray for my kids  at home (esp for my oldest that is having the hardest time) , and patience for our parents that have been holding down the fort (which I know isn’t always easy).    And of course, that we will get news of  a court date in the next day or so….

Happy times – All of us eating ice cream

We’ve had the wonderful opportunity to attend a Presbyterian Church with our new friends, the Peipons.  This week, there were two teams present in church – a French speaking Swiss team that the Peipons organized, and another English team from….can you believe this….Richmond Va (which is where we are from)!    How likely are we to be sitting in Ukrainian church service with an English team from our home town ( another church across town from us)?!?!  From across the world, a congregation was singing familiar praise songs in English, French, and Ukrainian!  I felt so emotional.   Then, one of the verses read was from Isiah 12: 4-6.  “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name: make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.  SING to the Lord, for He had done glorious things: let this be known to ALL THE WOLD.   Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion for great is the Holy One of Israel among  you.”  WOW God….thanks for that gift.   I haven’t digested it all yet, but to be half way across the world, and be in worship, singing the same praise songs I know from home,   with  people from 3 different countries, that all love the Lord, was AMAZING…. And again, I guess it’s all bigger than me…….

Mat by some food in the market.

Ian is ready for the beach.  What a ham!

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5 Responses to No court date yet – did I say that already?

  1. Lesley says:

    Wonderful post, my friend. This whole experience is something you will have within your heart for the rest of your life. Praise our Mighty Heavenly Father for the love you are feeling and sharing with fellow Christians from all over the world. Please give Ian a big hug and a kiss from us. Let him know I’m taking good care of his new kitties 🙂 Hugs and kisses to you and Mat too!
    Love you,

  2. Julia Nalle says:

    That is SO COOL!! You know we are in Palmyra, VA – just west of Richmond by 45 minutes. It always makes it more fun to follow an adoption knowing that the family is only a hop skip and jump away!! Praying hard that you get a court date soon!!

  3. Karen Sparrow (Williams) says:

    Kristin and Mat,

    My mom (who is holding down our fort) hung out with your mom yesterday at the pool. The grandmas are rocking it out. I can tell you from our experience that “the girls in the hood” make for a very deep bench when it comes to providing love and support for your precious kiddos at home, not to mention logistical “back-up” and respite for wayward grandparents.

    I know a little something of that torn feeling you’re having, of needing to be in two places at the same time; “there” to prop up one child in a way that only a parent sometimes can- while far away, working to address an urgent need of another child. It is so sooooo hard…

    But remember this- your children (ALL of them) are strong, and resilient and amazing. Three of them have had the benefit of a lifetime’s reassurance of knowing that they are precious to you and loved beyond measure- whether they are within your arms’ reach or whether they all the way across the world. They won’t forget this easily. The fourth… well, he’s got some catching up to do. From the looks of those smiles though, Ian is a quick study.

    Praying for some gentle peace for you guys during this chaotic toime. Breathe in. Breathe out. Looking forward to you guys getting back and having everyone, safe and sound, together under one roof soon! The Fisher Family 2.0, aka 7 Fishies (what happened to poor Rexie in your blog nomenclature anyway??) is gonna be a force to be reckoned with.


    • 6 Fishies says:

      Karen – Thanks for your encouraging note. You are certainly the pillar of experience and incredible strength when it comes to dividing parental emotional and physical resources and I admire how well you do it! Of course, I have to do it for 6 weeks(??) – you have the on-going uncertainty of when and how long almost daily! You are amazing and I appreciate your words that assure me that my kiddos at home will not be damaged forever because I have left them for so long!! And, of course we do have an incredible community of women who have been there for us that help make it emotionally easier too. No worries – Rexie gets his fair share of attention in this – Ian has got Rexie’s name down with a lovely rolling “rrrrrrrr”! It’s sounds so cool!

  4. Dawn Armstrong says:

    Honestly, I think you all (Kristin, Mat, Karen and Dan) amaze me with your resilience and commitment to your families. I have a lot to learn from both of you! Faith, friends and family all play a huge role in your success. I’m honored to know (and love) you both!

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